Thursday, February 4, 2010

Continuing my GAME Plan....

My GAME plan is progressing at an even pace. I have met with my administrators to go over possible ideas for professional growth. I created a survey for the faculty to complete to get an idea of what kinds of professional growth ideas they would be interested in. Technology is an area that most people feel they need assistance with. I have offered to teach my peers about blogging and will be setting that up in the next couple of weeks.
As for my students, I have begun teaching them how to create personal websites so that they can post their work. While I have a lot left to do in terms of reaching my goals, I feel like I have made adequate progress.


  1. Wow, great work! It seems as though you are making wonderful progress on your GAME plan. Does your school compensate you for the professional development opportunities that you lead? My school pays me my hourly wage for any workshops that I hold. Or, I have the choice of leaving early on teacher work days.

    For blogging, I am teaching my students to use and it's going very well. The difference between this website and most other blogging sites is that it doesn't require the students to have email addresses. They all log into my class with usernames and passwords, though, which is nice.

  2. How are your students taking to the creation of personal websites? I have tried to do this in the past but the process turned into just one more project that they rushed through and didn't take any time to make it their own. Do your school filters allow access to all blog sites and site creators?

  3. I love teh fact that you are settign up a blogging professional development with you teachers. Just a note, we had a few teachers have students set up websites, the problem was they had the students use thier first and last name. So please be careful with student privcy. Other than that great post and it seems as though your GAME plan is going well!!!

  4. I have to agree with Mr. McMahon. In my school district we are not allowed to publish anything with students first and last names.
    We put their first name and last initial, along with the school they attend. This makes the student feel notable, without jeopardizing his or her safety.
