Thursday, January 28, 2010

GAME Plan Progress

I am feeling confident as I carry out my GAME plan. This week I attended a professional growth seminar that taught me how to post homework and grades on the school website. By learning how to do this, I am setting a great example for my students by showing them that I am committed to integrating technology into my classroom. I have also met with the technology coordinator to discuss possible seminars for the future. I want my peers to learn various forms of technology as well. Another step forward that I have made is to teach my students how to use voice threads. This is something that I was very intimidated by when I first had to make one for this program. I had student pick a social issue and they added a voice thread to their PowerPoint presentations. The majority of my students were very excited to learn this new technology!


  1. It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job in carrying out your GAME plan. I post my homework on a classroom website. Sometimes the students get lazy and don't visit the website. Another teacher gave me a great idea to improve student use of the website. Put a question or special word on the website and tell the students that if they come in the next day and tell you the word or the answer to the question they will get a piece of candy.

  2. I forget what grade you teach...but I'm curious how you feel about posting homework online.
    In my district we have the option to do that, and most elementary teachers refuse to, myself included. We feel that it isn't teaching responsibility, and it is encouraging lazing on the part of the student to not copy the homework down when we post it on the board in class. In the middle and high school however, most teachers DO use it as they feel there isn't always time to post homework in class. They also say for students who cut class, they are still responsible for the homework because it is posted online.
