Friday, February 26, 2010

A Final Reflection on my GAME Plan

This course has been very helpful to me as an educator. Before this course, I had never thought to set goals based on the NETS standards. Of course, I had mentally told myself how I wanted to use technology in my classroom but had never been so specific in terms of goal setting. Now that I have set goals for myself (teaching my students new technologies and attending more professional development) I am finding that I am much more focused in achieving my goals.
My students are benefiting from the technology that they are learning and will be able to take these skills with them post high school. I am going to be teaching some in services to my peers about how to use technology in the classroom. I will teach them how use blogging as a way for students to reflect on their learning next week. I will also teach them how to use voice threading. My peers are very excited to learn new technology so that their students can benefit as well. I am very excited to continue my growth in the area of technology.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sharing the GAME Plan Process with my Students

Having gone through the process of creating a GAME plan and actually going through with it, I know that my students will benefit from creating their own GAME plan as well. As I have been sharing my knowledge of new technologies with my students, they have come to see how important of a role technology plays in their lives. They have learned how to create voice threads, podcasts, digital storytelling, and so much more. These are all technologies that they can use once they leave high school and enter into a post secondary educational facility. At the beginning of each school year, I have my students create goals for themselves. In the future I will have them set goals to meet the NETS standards as well. I believe that by doing this I will help them to prepare for their futures.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

GAME Plan Still On...

I have found that reaching the goals of my GAME plan is a never ending process. Much like learning should never end, I should never stop trying to reach my goals of increasing professional development and introducing my students to new technology. In the past few weeks I have worked with some of my peers to plan a professional development opportunity to teach other teachers how to create a classroom website. The enthusiasm has been overwhelming and we will be teaching this course next month. Our goal is for each teacher to have their own classroom website up and running at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year.
I have not introduced anymore new technologies to my students, but plan to teach them how to create a podcast for a project that we have coming up this spring.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Continuing my GAME Plan....

My GAME plan is progressing at an even pace. I have met with my administrators to go over possible ideas for professional growth. I created a survey for the faculty to complete to get an idea of what kinds of professional growth ideas they would be interested in. Technology is an area that most people feel they need assistance with. I have offered to teach my peers about blogging and will be setting that up in the next couple of weeks.
As for my students, I have begun teaching them how to create personal websites so that they can post their work. While I have a lot left to do in terms of reaching my goals, I feel like I have made adequate progress.