Saturday, May 16, 2009

Further Reflection on My Culture

I teach in a Title I school high school. The majority of my students are African American. I find myself frustrated a lot of the time because of the attitudes that these students have towards education. Because my parents stressed to me the importance of education on a daily basis, it amazes me how unmotivated my students are. It is sad to say that the majority of my students fit the stereotype of the "ghetto black person". I find myself constantly trying to get through to them the importance of getting their high school diplomas. They seem to all think they will be famous rappers, professional basketball players, etc. Whatever is the easiest way to get rich is the route they will take even if it involves illegal activity. It saddens me that these students represent my race. They do not however, represent my culture. It is possible to have many cultures within a race. Unfortunately, many people stereotype all people of a race into one broad category and the educated members of a race are the ones who suffer because of it.

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