Thursday, January 14, 2010


Standard one of NETS states that “teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts”. Performance indicator “A” states that the teacher will “demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology.” On a scale of one to four with four being the most knowledgeable, I must give myself a three. I have a “solid understanding” but “need to explore how to use these standards and better facilitate development of these in my students.” I enjoy teaching with PowerPoint and utilizing technology within my lessons. However, a goal that I have set for myself is to teach my students how to use these programs themselves so that they can complete projects that show how much they have learned by using technology. Not only will this enhance their projects, but it will also give them a life skill to carry with them once they graduate.
Performance indicator “B” states that the teacher will “demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.” I must grade myself with a two on this performance indicator. I love trying new things in technology but rarely take advantage of the multiple opportunities my district offers for professional development. It is not because I do not wish to learn what they are teaching. The primary reason is because I cannot stand to be in a classroom when I am not the one teaching. I prefer to learn things on my own and actually learn much better that way. A goal that I have set for myself is to attend at least two professional developments per semester.
The NET standards serve as a guideline that should be followed at all times in the classroom. Technology is such an important aspect of teaching and can serve as a creative tool. It is important for students to learn multiple aspects of technology as well because it will serve as a tool that they can carry with them into the workforce.


  1. Response from Dierdre

    I really like the way you chose to attend Professional Development classes. They are so important if we as educators want to continue to seek out best practices. Continually changing technology and new evidence provided by current research, make it crucial to attend professional development.

  2. I have found that any time I am able to bring inquiry and debate into the classroom my students respond exceptionally well. I continually hear that my students enjoy my class for the fact that this is a common practice. I have also found that putting technology in the hands of students creates this type environment. Early on in my career I felt that I could use the resources that were tried and true. I found that this was not intrinsically motivating. I have also found that students do not necessarily know about the newer web 2.o resources. Staying up on these resources has helped my own job satisfaction and my students desire to put their all into my course.


  3. We share a common goal. I too am going to try to attend more PD classes that are offered in my district. I do like to have someone there to guide me through the process of a new technology though. Writing this blog made me realize how lucky some of us are to have these PD classes offered and I realized that I need to take advantage of them more often too. I like your idea of attending two classes per semester.

  4. I like your evaluation of your "solid understanding of Power Point." You have a valid point in that using the programs, as a teacher, is good, but the students need to be able to use the programs we use as well. Knowledge should be shared, not kept as teacher privilege.
