Sunday, January 11, 2009



I will begin by simply introducing myself. I am O'Letha and I am a special education teacher located in the south suburbs of Chicago. I have been teaching for about eight years and I absolutely love what I do. I teach students with learning disablilties and I want to expose them to all the things that will make them more productive citizens. This is just a new way for me to grow professionally and to share all that I learn with my students. My mission in life is to show them that their disability does not stop them from reaching their goals and dreams.

I am creating this blog for an assignment for a technology course that I am currently enrolled in. I must admit that I am fairly new to this and I have never blogged before, and yet I am attempting to create my very own. I am so excited about this experience and I can't wait to see how far this blogging will go!! I will end this blog by asking a question, Do you feel that texting has begun to interfere with the way that students write and talk? I can't wait to hear your input.


  1. I personally feel that the influence of popular music and the media has more of an imfluence than cellphone texting. I remember in the late 80's when rap music became popular with so many students. All the sudden everyone was a rapper. You couldn't pay students to write a poem, but ask them to write a rap song and they would soon be asking for more paper.

    I'm beginning to work out the details of letting my some of my students take their tests via cellphone texting. Instead of writing multiple choice answers on paper, they would send it to my phone via text. I first need to send a letter home to parents and work out contingencies for students who don't have cellphones. But I think I'll try it before this class ends. I'll let you know the results.

    Have your students followed the election? I'm curious if they will be watching their former Senator take over as President. I would be curious to hear about their reactions to the Inaguration on Tuesday.

    Todd Seip

  2. Todd,

    My students are so pumped up about the upcoming Inaguration! I will admit that I am too!! My grandfather will actually be there and my students are so excited to hear about his experience. They can't believe that my grandfather is so close to the President Elect, and has been for years. I will definitely keep you posted. Make sure that you tell me all about your texting experiment.
