Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Reflection on Teaching New Literacy Skills

Throughout this course, I have been amazed at how much I have learned that will benefit my students for many years to come. Gone are the days of depending solely on textbooks and lectures to teach my students. When I first began this program, I made a commitment to learn as much as I possibly could to assist my students in the area of technology. I believe that it is crucial for them to learn the skills they will need to be successful in their careers as early as possible. The new literacy skills give them the opportunity to create projects using tools of technology that they will be able to carry with them. They will learn how to create a website from scratch, how to blog, and create podcasts and video threads.
As a professional development goal, I would like to teach a course to my fellow peers in my school district on the new literacy skills and the importance of utilizing the technology that the district offers. I will plan this course with my administrators and then prepare to teach my peers all of the useful information that I have learned over the duration of this program.

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