Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ideas Anyone?

I would love to hear how you innovative educators have used the blogs. Can anyone share their ideas or creative ways that you have incorporated blogging into your lessons? What has been your feedback from your students?

Jog and Blog

I am a special education teacher and I teach students with learning disabilities. I currently teach Senior English and I also have two resource periods called Study Skills. I see this blog as a way to bridge the gap with the students and another way for me to assess my students. I would use a blog to check students understanding of the materials that were covered during the day. I would kind of" jog" their brains about the information that was covered in the daily lessons, and then they can "blog" their comments and responses. I think that the students would get into blogging. The first thought that came to mind is that the students would kind of think of this as checking a MYSPACE page. The students are so consumed with MYSPACE and texting these days. I know that they would get a kick out of the ability to do their homework from their phones! I would also post all of the things that will help their success with the course work, such as syllabus, lesson plans, etc. I would also use this blog as a way for students to communicate with me and each other about old and new concepts that they may need further instruction and modifications. I am so excited about this blog and I can't wait to see how far it will go.

Sunday, January 11, 2009



I will begin by simply introducing myself. I am O'Letha and I am a special education teacher located in the south suburbs of Chicago. I have been teaching for about eight years and I absolutely love what I do. I teach students with learning disablilties and I want to expose them to all the things that will make them more productive citizens. This is just a new way for me to grow professionally and to share all that I learn with my students. My mission in life is to show them that their disability does not stop them from reaching their goals and dreams.

I am creating this blog for an assignment for a technology course that I am currently enrolled in. I must admit that I am fairly new to this and I have never blogged before, and yet I am attempting to create my very own. I am so excited about this experience and I can't wait to see how far this blogging will go!! I will end this blog by asking a question, Do you feel that texting has begun to interfere with the way that students write and talk? I can't wait to hear your input.